Safety tips that will help you add an extra layer of protection to your account
Account Sharing
Change Your Password Temporarily:
Before handing over your account details, change your password to something temporary. Change it back once the boosting service is complete.
Use Encrypted Communication Channels:
Use encrypted communication channels for discussing details with the booster. Avoid using in-game chat for sensitive information.
Log Out from All Other Devices:
Ensure your account is logged out from all other devices before sharing it with the booster to prevent accidental logins.
Self-Played Boosts
Avoid In-Game Chat Mentions:
We strongly recommend not mentioning any boosting-related information to ensure your account safety. If you want to message boosters in-game, or have any follow-up questions during the run, please message our Customer Service in Discord, and they will forward your message to boosters.
Remove Boosters from Your Friend List:
Remove boosters from your friend list after the boost is finished.
By following these tips, you can help ensure your account remains secure during the boosting process.