Things you can do after the purchase
Join Our Discord Server
You can join our Discord community by following this link. Once you've joined, please check your direct messages for a welcome note from our bot, which will connect you directly to our Customer Service team. If you encounter any issues joining or locating our bot, we’ve prepared a helpful article with more information and troubleshooting tips.
Contact Our Customer Service
Feel free to reach out to our customer service team via Discord or our website, whichever is more convenient for you. If you're on Discord, one of our agents will message you first to provide all the necessary details for your service. Alternatively, if you prefer using our website, you can easily start a live chat with our customer service right here.
Safety tips
Our customer service will provide you with all the information needed, but just in general it is better to avoid anything boosting-related in the game chat for selfplayed boosts, and don't log in while the booster is on the account for account-sharing boosts. You can also read more in this article.
Wait for Your Service to Start
You're all set! After receiving all the essential information about your service, all that's left is to wait for it to begin. In the meantime, why not visit our blog? It’s a great way to stay informed and engaged while you wait.
Completion of the Order
You will receive a notification from us as soon as your order is completed. You can also message our Customer Service anytime to learn your current order status.
Have More Questions?
Don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team if you have any further questions. They're eager to help you with anything you need!